Meeting began with the pledge and the prayer . Robin Brown was in attendance, she briefly talked about an event the town was hosting in celebration of Coopers Beach being voted the best beach in the USA. Tom Guldi was our sargent for the 2nd week in a row. Rosane won the $49 that was the 50/50 raffle. Couple of late Rotarians , Beau and Mark got fined. Rosane was voted best dressed. We sung "Happy Birthday" to Ray Enstine. This day in 1862 was the 2nd battle of Bull Run, occured. Legendary R&B singer Michael Jackson was born in 1958. Jennie Lynn was the best singer who never recorded and album, before the days of recording. Rosane introduced Beverly who runs a home healthcare business. Beverly talked about peace and how she feels people rally around Rotary. She was on a bus wearing her rotary pin, and started a conversation with a stranger on joining rotary, and she ended up influencing them to join. Also shared a story about the a wooden rotary chair showing up randomly in her house. District happenings is this Saturday. A link is available in your email. It was wonderful to be one of the first clubs to have Beverly in for a visit. She's very passionate and energetic when she talks about rotary, and we were entertained.