Meeting began with the prayer and the pledge. 3rd string Quarterback James Grossi filled in for our vacationing presidents. We had a returning guest Barbara. Tim announced a hike for this Saturday at Ellington Park. Terri Kiernan stopped by to try to recruit volunteers for registration and needs someone to take pictures for the Shinnecock Golf Outing scheduled for next Thursday. Please reach out if your interested in helping next Thursday. Travis was our sargent. Mary wins the 50/50 but it was the 7 of diamonds that peaked out of the deck. I was happy to understand why i wanted pancakes yesterday morning as it was National Pancake Day. This is the day we celebrate Johnny Appleseed for his many accomplishments. There are over 1100 rotary clubs in Australia. Argentina is the highest via elevation, California the lowest. Towels are the #1 contributor for dry skin. This date in 1969 the Brady Bunch started it's run on television. The Eiffel Tower was originally supposed to be sent to Barcelona. Our program was Stacy & Suzie from Lucia's Angels. Their goal is to educate people on Breast Cancer. They are a Southampton charity, the money they raise goes to help local women. They have an October 1st tree lighting coming up in front of the Chamber of Commerce. Their Girls Night Out fundraiser at Gurney's is scheduled for November 9th.