Meeting began with the prayer and the pledge.  Vice President Rosane Cassella ran the meeting for an absent Lauri who is in Italy.   We had a guest Sabrina.  Mark made a Southamptonfest announcement.  Sell those tickets, or get people to get registered online.  Sabrina won the 50/50, Paul C won table stakes.  Mary Kelly was our sargent, and introduced a new concept.  Buy a hint!  I LOVE IT!  We learned the snails like to hibernate,  How many colors are in a rainbow.  The difference between jot and tiddle.  You can tell the age of a horse by looking at their teeth.  Apple was the top money maker in 2022.  We were without a program again, so we learned about past president Michael Gomberg who's been a financial adviser for six years. Enjoys swimming and learning to play golf.  He is married for 21 years with children Maxwell 18, and Sasha 16.  Michael was introduced to rotary through Matt Fogarty.   Spoke highly about is experience as president and how rewarding the experience is.   He wants to give away more schlorships.  His mentor is his dad who ran a farmstand back in the day.