Meeting began with the prayer and the pledge. I think, i was grabbing the extra peace pole. The peace pole was dedicated to Nick Dyno, to give to the Southampton school of his choice. (Picture below), Karen Acker was the Sargent. Tom Guldi won the 50/50 but did not pick the Jack, it's way too early and chances are low. We learned that in 1912 famous chef Julia Child was born, 1943 Robert Deniro. 102 pilgrims made the original journey on the Mayflower from Southampton, England to Cape Cod, Massachusetts. They were supposed to land in Virginia. Woodstock as held on this day too in Bethel, NY. In 2023 there was a blackout in this area. India, and Pakistan were also claimed independence from British rule. Why did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet.....Supplies. We heard from Minera Perez from OLA, and she talked about all of the great projects her organization is doing for children. She talked about help line, and Youth connect, Healthy East End, and offering 22 scholarships to students in need. Mary also shared a story on how OLA helped her retain a teacher. We always enjoy hearing from organizations like Rotary and especially those who help children.