Meeting began with the prayer and the pledge. Lunch was Ham, Potatoes and Cornbread. We brought in two new members today. Dennis Lamb and Dr Fatima Morrell. Congrats! Laurie announced a check being sent to Altdena, Californa for assistance with the fires. Tim announced a hike at 40 millstone brook rd at a quarter to 12pm Saturday. for all of your hiking info. Tom Guldi announced that he needs volunteers for the 4th of July Parade. Paul announced the winners of the Superbowl pool and distributed the checks. Mary Kelly was our sargent. Big Winner Brian Leiser won the 50/50 and picked the Ace of Diamonds. We were quizzed on our knowledge of presidents on the cusp of President's day coming up. President's day tradition begun in 1885 to honor George Washington's birthday and later recognized all presidents for their contributions. John Adams was the first president to live in the white house, he had a pet alligator. Andrew Jackson was the first president to be impeached. JFK was the youngest president. TDR also as he became acting president. Richard Nixon had a bowling alley installed in the basement of the white house. The only president to speak chinese was President Hoover. Mayor Bill Manager announced Southamptonfest starting October 3rd-5th. Brian Leiser gives back $325 to the club for his Superbowl winnings. Wendy Pearson was our guest from Stony Brook Southampton College. She talked about her vision of the college and talked about the use of the school in 2025. Plans include restoring the Windmill. You can check out pictures of our new members by hitting the read more
Meeting began with the prayer and the pledge. President Elect Rosane Cassella presented president Laurie with her 1st Paul Harris Award. A $20 bill was found on the floor lol Travis was our sargent. Paul announced that the Superbowl box was closed and we picked the numbers for the boxes . We drew cards number 0-9. If we picked a black card first the NFC Eagles were on the top axis, with the AFC Chiefs on the left axis (that was the case) We talked about National Chopsticks day and Frozen Yogurt Day. Grapes are the most popular fruit. A common snack in Cambodia is Fried Tarantula. If you visit Japan a popular app is tuna eyes. Late cancelation with the program and a board meeting to follow. We ended the meeting early.
Meeting began with the pledge and the prayer. Very light attendance for this week's meeting. We will be inaugarating two new members next week. Harold Wilson was our sargent. Seamus wins the 50/50. Travis & Lynda win best dressed. Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933. In 1948 Ghandi was assassinated. This date in history in 1972 North Ireland's bloody sunday. The Amazon river is NOT the longest river (Nile) . Francs are no longer the currency in France. Camels carry fat in their humps. Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. The lead in zorro was Gus Williams who also was the engineer in Lost in Space. Our program was Tatyana Okshteyn from Black and White Space project.
Founded in 2009, Black & White Project Space is a not-for-profit art organization dedicated to providing artists the freedom to experiment with new ideas without commercial pressures. From what he heard from Tayana it looks and sounds like she's doing some tremendous work raising money for good causes. To get a visual of the icons on the boxes check out this page
Meeting began with the prayer and the pledge. Paul reported on the Superbowl pool 75% of the Superbowl boxes are still available. He encouraged to let friends know that were are fundraising for the Superbowl boxes . It's important to have all boxes sold prior to the Superbowl. John B made an announcement about his advertisement in 27east to support the work that's being done at Shippy's . It's a short questionare, let's support John by jumping on and filling it out, doesn't take that long to fill out The QR code can be found 

Tom Guldi was our sargent. We found out New Orleans received 8 inches of snow lately. Nuns and priest were found to be having a snowball fight. Lane, Paul H, and Lynda were fined as visiting rotarians. This date in history in year 41 was tCaliula was murdered . In 1556 there was an earthquake in China that killed 860,000. We went on to talk about past and present sargents. In 1849 the Gold Rush happened in California, at Sutters Mill. Gold Started to be valued at 18, now at 2750. Happy Sads told us that Tim is going for a upcoming shore drive. The doors at the ambulance are not working. We received 2 lukewarm dollars from Laurie on her 10 days in St Petersburg Florida. Our program was member Joy Pak from Sun River Health. She talked about Sun River Healths influence as an all in one source for healthcare. She also spoke highly of the two fundraisers they do every year. It was enjoyable to hear about Joy's work.
Meeting began with the prayer and the pledge. President Elect Rosane Cassella covered meeting duties for the absent Laurie W. Tim Corwin made an annoucement for this Saturday's hike 10am-noon Meet at the kiosk on Sebonac Road 1/3 mile east of Tuckahoe School. Enjoy streams and vernal ponds, an incredible overlook across the bays and we hike to the shore of Big Fresh Pond. Four miles of moderately hilly terrain. Leashed dogs welcome. Led by Tim Corwin. Sean D who has been working on an print, radio, and newsletter campaign with all the rotary districts met with East Hampton and received approval. We talked about how Sean can get in touch with the rest of the district. I emailed a list to him on Thursday night to keep momentum going on this project. The campaign will be about increasing membership in rotary. Dennis Lamb (new member prospect) stood up and told us a little about what he does for a living, family life, etc. We look forward to Dennis Lamb joining us in membership soon. Rosane wins best dressed. No Sargent? Have no fear...Tom Guldi is here. Tom really got the rotary members going and seemed to have a very easy time fining people. We were excited to find out that Tim Corwin was in 27east this week, page A17 for a reconstructed pedestrian bridge along Paumanok Path, well done Tim. Our program after a couple of reschedules was Dr. Gregory Armstrong. Greg talked about how we can be better prepared to have energy throughout the day. His 3 points of mention were 1. A rotation golf drill, stand up do a golf swing and then move the swing up and down. He suggested 2 minutes. 2. Exposing yourself to natural light in 60 minuts of waking up. This starts your 16 hour internal clock that triggers sleep . 3. Non sleep Deep rest. Eyes close lay flat and just be mellow for 15 minutes. He also touched on eating whole foods and mentioned the body isn't programmed to eat all of the processed stuff that's overwhelms our food choices these days. I know when I see an engaged crowd, i know that i found the right program for today's meeting. I will be inviting Dr Armstrong back to talk to us about some other issues as we enjoyed his time spent with us at rotary today.
Meeting began with the pledge and an AI created prayer delivered by Paul Cassella. It was great to see everyone back at rotary after a two week holiday hiatus. We had a guest/future member Dennis Lamb as our guest. Dave Myers & Natasha owners of Stop N Shop Southampton. Also in attendance were Manny (Head Chief of Southampton Fire Dept) & Sophie Escobar (daughter) It was a Thankgiving Reunion with our program Molly Bishop all in attendance. Laurie gave out Thank You Certificates for everyone's work on the Thanksgiving Boxes fundraiser. Travis was our sargent, Laurie won the 50/50. Rob volunteered to hold the bucket. Travis purchased a book of 50,000 facts. We learned 78% of the brain is water. The octopus has more than 3 brains, leeches have 32 brains. I would hate to have that headache. The Statue of Liberty's original use was as a lighthouse. The build houses in England 5 stories high, and 6 feet wide. China has the most skyscrapers. An adult king cobra is 18 feet. Molly Bishop was our program, she talked about being in a new facility. Many students in Southampton rely on the free breakfeast and lunch. Heart of the Hamptons have delivered 476,000 meals to people this year up from 133,000. Most people that receive help are the working poor. It was great to have everyone at Rotary today, we look forward to seeing many more of you next week
Meeting began with the prayer and the pledge. We had one guest, Maria who will be applying as a member. Tim Corwin spoke about a Saturday hike starting at 9:45am start. Mary Kelly was our sargent and won the 50/50 also picked the 5 of clubs. I have to say the sargent seems to be winning a lot lately clearly conicidental. Laurie thanked everyone for participating in the Holiday Party. We have decided NOT to meet over the next two Thursdays, with plans to resume on January 9th. Mary had a holiday theme to her questions. There's a town called Snowflake in Arizona. Three gifts the wise men presented are Murryh, Frankincense and Gold. Mary reference the fictional holiday of Festivus, the airing of grievances. 1.6 Billion holiday cards go out, but how many actually get delivered and end up on the refrigerator? It takes 7 years to grow a Christmas Tree. There are 9 candles on a menorah. There is actually a town in Alaska called North Pole. The North Pole doesn't have a time zone. The legend of Rudolph the red nosed reigndeer started in 1939. Eddison is credited with the invention of Christmas lights. The biggest light show is in Williamsburg Virginia. Our program was Chris from Go Primal Lifestyle, a mental health survivor . He told us about his story overcoming losing his dad early in life, the lows, bottoming out and then using his experience in a positive way. We thank Chris for stopping in to visit us and we wish him the best in using his experience to help men who struggle with issues of mental health.
Meeting began with the prayer and the pledge. Holiday Party next week final announcement. Harold Wilson was our sargent. Seamus won the 50/50. It was Walt Disney Day . 33 years have passed since OJ Simpson was aquitted. This date in history the 21st amendment was rattified with the last state being Utah. In 1998 Sunny Buono passed on. Ryan Haugstatter was our guest from Open Door Exchange. I was introduced to Ryan via facebook and was impressed with the idea. Founded in 2015 as the first furniture bank on Long Island, Open Door Exchange (ODE) coFounded in 2015 as the first furniture bank on Long Island, Open Door Exchange (ODE) connects donated furniture to individuals and families in need, in crisis, or in a life transition, at no cost.and connnects donated furniture to individuals and families in need, in crisis, or in a life transition, at no cost. You can check out Ryan's website here
Good crowd of 25 proud Rotarians visited us this week. We had one guest Ryan Nelson of Lord Lane Newsletter. I suggest his newsletter it tells you what's going on in Southampton and local areas. Vicki made our Holiday Party announcement 12/12. Robert Gill made an announcement for next week's packing of the Thanksgiving Boxes. Next week at Hampton Road Fire Station. Definitely looking forward to packing the boxes and heading upstairs for lunch. The kids have been busy this week packing the boxes. Pictures are below. The rotary wheel was definitely turning this week with everyone who's involved with the planning of this annual event. It's great to experience the teamwork that this club is known for. I've reached out to 27east, and I will get everything over to district when everything is handed in. Travis was our sargent. Coincidently also winning the 50/50 and finding the Jack of Hearts, Congrats to Travis Corwin for winning our latest drawing. So we reset with a new deck next week. We learned about Martin Strel and his accomplishments on swimming entire rivers. We were also fined for liking pickles. Travis also shared a podcast he's been listening to about kid's curiosities and a program dedicated to earthworms. Our program was Debbie & Bill from Gregg's Wings. They discussed their amazing contributions to childhood cancer. They told us about their golf outing and where some of the money is used for at the Cancer Center for kids. I found it interesting that they painted the doctors face on the wall in all of the different rooms. Check out the photo gallery of the kids decorating the boxes
Meeting began with the prayer and the pledge. We had no guests. Vicki made an announcement for the Holiday Party on 12/12. Beau made an announcement for Maureen's Haven benefit. Laurie won the 50/50 . Our program was Students of the Month presented by Nick Dyno
Attached is a photo gallery of all of the pictures
Our Students of the Month, October, and November 2024
Opening Act (SES) Students of the Month:
October: Yuleisy Ruiz Perez
November: Konnie Ruiz Perez
SIS Rotary Students of the Month:
October: Chase Taraba
November: Caitlin Zorko
SHS Rotary Students of the Month:
October: Margaret Glanz
November: Benjamin Weissberg