Welcome to the Rotary Club of Southampton!

Are you an established professional who wants to make positive changes in your community and the world? Our club members are dedicated people who share a passion for community service and friendship. Becoming a Rotarian connects you with a diverse group who share your drive to give back.  We have new memberships that are geared towards corporations.  If interested please email us

Home Page Stories
Meeting began with the prayer and the pledge.  We sang for Laurie's Birthday.  Travis was sargent.  Michael Gomberg won the 50/50, Harold and Mary split the table stakes.  It was happy sex day.  It was Michael Keaton's birthday.  Most of us remembered Batman but couldn't name the other movies he was in.  The Voyager is 24.5 billion miles away from earth when we last checked.  11 pounds of Mozzerella on Pizza's every year.  Travis expressed an idea about giving away extra tickets, when many go unsold.  We learned about past president, past assistant governor Ray Enstine.  While sitting at the table we heard lots of old rotary stories about Ray's time in Rotary.   Ray worked for Pulver Gas for 30 years.  He enjoys playing guitar and chasing around his grandchildren.  He's married to his wife, Wendy since 1971. He vacations to South Carolina.  He joined in 1976 and has served several positions in rotary.  He talked about meetings at John Ducks and past programs.  Assigned seats at the bar.  He participated in stealing Greenport's rotary bell.  His idols are his buddy and mom.  We had a good time learning about one of our rotary family members.  Rosane continues to work her way through the rotary family and make sure we meet everyone.
Meeting began with the pledge and the prayer .  Robin Brown was in attendance, she briefly talked about an event the town was hosting in celebration of Coopers Beach being voted the best beach in the USA.  Tom Guldi was our sargent for the 2nd week in a row.  Rosane won the $49 that was the 50/50 raffle.  Couple of late Rotarians , Beau and Mark got fined. Rosane was voted best dressed.  We sung "Happy Birthday" to Ray Enstine.  This day in 1862 was the 2nd battle of Bull Run, occured.  Legendary R&B singer Michael Jackson was born in 1958.  Jennie Lynn was the best singer who never recorded and album, before the days of recording.  Rosane introduced Beverly who runs a home healthcare business.  Beverly talked about peace and how she feels people rally around Rotary.  She was on a bus wearing her rotary pin, and started a conversation with a stranger on joining rotary, and she ended up influencing them to join.  Also shared a story about the a wooden rotary chair showing up randomly in her house.  District happenings is this Saturday.  A link is available in your email.   It was wonderful to be one of the first clubs to have Beverly in for a visit.  She's very passionate and energetic when she talks about rotary, and we were entertained.
Meeting Began with the prayer and the pledge.  Tom has his cousin Joann and brought Christoph, owner of a new bakery in Alpina Swiss Bakery in Bridgehampton.  Lori discussed a former schlorship winner has been diagnosed with epilepsy .  Dermot Dolan has pledged $1000, and the Rotary Executive board has announced they are matching the Dermot's donation $1000.  The money will go to purchasing a required service animal.  Great work Rotary Team!  After a meal of meatballs and penne pasta.  We enjoyed desert from Chrisoph's bakery.   I'm glad that i accidently touched what looked like a choclate chip cookie because it was insanely good.  Edoardo Simioni won the 50/50, but did not select the Jack.   We welcome back Ed from a stint in the hospital.   Still very early in the game.   $34 dollars.   Tom Guldi was sargent.  We learned about the Sunrise Highway bridge that was created in 1961, 1962, and was repaired in 1973.  It was in this day in history that America defeated England in sailing.  The hit Sugar Sugar was 6 weeks away from hitting #1 on the pop charts.  Our program was Southampton Village Ocean Rescue.  They talked about their 7 saves this year included both children and adults.  They have 70 volunteers, and are the first responders to all Southampton Village bodies of water.  They talked about wanting to expand to beaches that currently have little no coverage and swim at your own risk areas. Thank you to Sean for fulfilling his responsibility as program.  We appreciate Southampton Village Ocean Rescue for stopping by this week 
Meeting began with the prayer and the pledge.  I think, i was grabbing the extra peace pole.  The peace pole was dedicated to Nick Dyno, to give to the Southampton school of his choice.  (Picture below), Karen Acker was the Sargent.  Tom Guldi won the 50/50 but did not pick the Jack, it's way too early and chances are low.  We learned that in 1912 famous  chef Julia Child was born, 1943 Robert Deniro.  102 pilgrims made the original journey on the Mayflower from Southampton, England to Cape Cod, Massachusetts.  They were supposed to land in Virginia.   Woodstock as held on this day too in Bethel, NY.  In 2023 there was a blackout in this area.  India, and Pakistan were also claimed independence from British rule. Why did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet.....Supplies.  We heard from Minera Perez from OLA, and she talked about all of the great projects her organization is doing for children.  She talked about help line, and Youth connect, Healthy East End, and offering 22 scholarships to students in need.  Mary also shared a story on how OLA helped her retain a teacher.  We always enjoy hearing from organizations like Rotary and especially those who help children.
Meeting began with the prayer and the pledge.   We had guests Emma, a Ryla Student, and Marilyn her mom as guests for lunch.  We presented Sean Denehy with his 6th Paul Harris Award.  Emma stood up and thanked us for supporting her at the RYLA conference.  Karen won the 50/50.  Seamus got fined for drinking diet root beer.  We had a cookie fall on the floor during desert.  Travis was our sargent.  It was National  $1 day.  Simon Chase was the first person to appear on the bill back in 1862.  I didn't realize that there is so much going on artwise on the dollar bill with 13 layers of a pyramid. Many sources say the crispy spuds were most likely invented in the country's northeast neighbor, Belgium. According to lore, the dish was born in Belgium in the winter of 1680, when the fried fish-loving denizens of a city called Namur had to find something else to cook when the local river froze over.  Doctor Doctor I need some help.  I didn't realize that so many rotarians hands weren't working so I called in program Dr Fufa hand specialist.   The faithful were so excited that the doctor was in.  Dr Fufa was asked many questions related to hand injuries.  Let's give Dr Fufa a hand for helping us out with the program.
We definitely had a lot going on as we welcome in August.  It all started with Laurie giving Mary Kelly her 4th Paul Harris Award (picture is below).  Mark Hannon made a Southamptonfest announcement for October 3rd.  Ed D got so excited when Sean won the 50/50 that he spilled his drink.  Sean also won the big money $413 as the Jack of Hearts showed his face (picture is below).  Laurie and Paul won best dressed.  We talked Olympics with the USA leading the way in Paris in total metals and golds.  France in 2nd, China in 3rd.  Water boat racing didn't make it as an olympic sport, neither did live pigeon shooting.  How do you make a tissue dance?  You put a little boogie into it.  Our program was Lonnie Sherman with General Needs.  He shared some great stories about helping veterans out with certain situations.  Also talked about a great story about giving out needed items like pillows, and boots.  
We were in the Shinnecock Room for this weeks meeting.  Started with the prayer and the pledge.  Mark needed a replacement for Lynda on the Septemberfest committee.  We had 2 guests the program and social media guru Angie Tirado, from Callie Marketing who hopes to join rotary and take over social media responsibilities for the club.  She inquired about doing the social media and we are encouraging her to join.  The 50/50 was won by our program Kim Degraff.  Tom Guldi also picked as the cards were unavailable the week before.   Karen Acker was our sargent.  Rosane won best dressed.  Bob Dylan performed on electric guitar at a Newport festival in 1965 inspired by "Mr. Tambourine Man"  The change of sound was different and the audience eventually came around.  We also learned about Svetlana Savitskaya who was the first woman to walk in space in 1984.  We heard some knock knock jokes.  Kimberly Degraff was our speaker.  She talked about the biggest cause of damage being water .  We learned that flood damage doesn't apply when water comes from the ground up.   
I was one of the first to arrive at the Fresh Air Home.   My first experience of being on the management end, and all of the duties that need to be taken care of to ensure a successful event.  Food from Cromers Market arrived around 11:15am, volunteers transported the food from the truck over to the tables.  At 12pm the foil was removed an the Fresh Air Home faithful enjoyed chicken tenders, mac and cheeze, hero sandwiches, and other delicious food.  Last year i did utensils, this year i was the 2nd scooper on Mac & Cheeze.  The only job on the buffet line that requires two people.  After the food was done the kids enjoyed Mr. Softee and a magician.  It was really nice to hear about the history of the event and how long we've been here doing this.  We were fortunate to have a nice day, little bit of a breeze and it wasn't too hot.  The picture gallery are down low, and also on facebook
We would like to Thank everyone who helped us out at the race on Sunday.  I know that i was running on fumes as I dj'd the previous night.  Very thankful to have enough time to grab some Mickey Dees for some added punch.  As we played some remixed classics off my phone and got the crowd fired up as runners and walkers crossed the finish line.  I really enjoy being apart of the race team as the MC
Trophies were given out to the top 3 Men's and top 3 womens
Men's Top 3 in the 8k
1John Loeffel40023M 1/15725:28.885:08/M
2Jonny Wilson34636M 2/15726:22.125:18/M
3Jeff Ares440M 3/15728:06.32
Female Top 3 in the 8k
1Aileen Barry28342F 1/10628:44.555:47/M
Emma Gruber     
34829F 2/10633:30:286:44
3Rita Greene Berry30745F 3/10634:13:526:53/M 
You can view the rest of the results here
Laurie called the meeting with the pledge than the prayer.   We had a visiting rotarian Marty Gillmartin in the house.   Beau talked about Fresh Air Home and that will be next week.  Members are encouraged to let us know either way by clicking on here.   Fresh Air starts at 11:00am  Laurie took the banner to the dry cleaners and it looked really nice and white.  James spoke about the firecracker 8k that occured this Sunday.  We had 427 registered, 351 running/walking.  Tom Guldi was our sargent, and also won the 50/50, Marty won table stakes.  Our program was Lauren Krueger from Liwater.org.  Gave us all some advise on how to conserve water and to use lawn fertilizers under 12 on the nitrogen scale.   More conservation tips can be found at http://liwater.org
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Community Service Director
Immediate Past President
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Welcome to Rotary!

Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Thursdays at 12:00 p.m.
Claude's at the Southampton Inn
91 Hill Street
Southampton, NY 11968
United States of America
Rotary Makeups

Local Makeup Meetings:

East Hampton - Monday, 6:30 pm at James Lane Cafe

Greenport - Tuesday, 7:30 am at Townsend Manor Inn

Hampton Bays - Tuesday, 12:15 pm at Oaklands Restaurant (bi-weekly)

Moriches - Thursday, 6:30 pm at Ladakins Restaurant

Riverhead - Wednesday, 6:40 pm at The Birchwood

Southold - Tuesday, 6:40 pm at Skipper's Restaurant

Westhampton - Tuesday, 12:15 pm at Atlantica Bath & Tennis Club

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